Monday, June 26, 2006

AFA Issues: Homosexual Agenda - How the gay movement intends to capture the next generation:

"The Agenda for your children!!!"How the gay movement intends to capture the next generation

When presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan warned the 1992 Republican National Convention about an ongoing 'culture war,' he was fairly spat upon by liberals who viewed the speech as hateful agitation.

More than six years later, however, nearly everyone across the political spectrum admits that there is, in fact, an unremitting ideological war underway. And nowhere is that conflict more evident than in the bitter, hand-to-hand combat now going on between those who view homosexuality as unnatural, immoral and unhealthy, and those who seek to overthrow that view.

But the most sought-after trophies of the homosexual movement are not found in corporate boardrooms, state legislatures, or even in Hollywood. The ultimate prizes are the hearts and minds of children. In schools and in public libraries, on television and at the movies, from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., children in this country are being exposed to a constant, concerted propaganda effort that aims to instill a homosexual worldview.

Evangelizing young hearts and minds"Vote for candidates who espouse strong pro family values only!

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